Workforce Enhancement and Support: GWEP + MAGIC
Author: Teresa M. Schicker, MPA
The Minnesota Association of Geriatrics Inspired Clinicians (MAGIC) 2022 Annual Conference will feature several experts in aging from the University of Minnesota. In addition, the Minnesota Northstar Geriatrics Workforce Enhancement Program is a sponsor of this year’s conference. The GWEP is excited to partner with MAGIC in our mutual quest to support clinicians and learners who care for older adults in Minnesota. From its inception, the Minnesota Northstar GWEP has recognized the importance of partnerships with Minnesota’s professional associations in aging, such as MAGIC and the Minnesota Gerontological Society. Collaboration with such organizations enables the Minnesota Northstar GWEP to reach out from the University to practicing professionals with its educational programs, materials and expertise.
A key part of this year’s GWEP participation in the MAGIC conference will occur during the James Pattee Leadership virtual session on the afternoon of November 3. This program has a theme of Interdisciplinary Care. The presentation will use materials from the GWEP Geriatric Case Competition and will share some exciting new self-learning modules hosted by GWEP.
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