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Clinicians Dedicated to caring for Minnesota's older adults


12:30 pm: Zoom will open for networking and conversations

1:00 pm: Welcome

                  Simon Mittal, MD, CMD, MMM, MAGIC  President

1:15 pm: Implementing Deprescribing Initiatives 

                  Arif Nazir, MD, Signature Health, Indiana

                    University Health Medical Center

2:00 pm: Reducing Polypharmacy with AI: It Can Be


                    Sara Schoen, VA Medical Center and Huai Cheng, MD, VA Medical                                   Center

2:45 pm: Break

3:00 pm: Putting it into Practice

3:30 pm: Debrief 

3:45 pm: Annual Meeting & Closing

                  Simon Mittal, MD, CMD, MMM, MAGIC  President

Double Tree Hotel St. Paul E

7:30 am: Registration and Continental Breakfast

8:00 am: Welcome & Introduction

         Simon Mittal, MD, CMD, MMM, President of


Rajean Moone, PhD, LNHA, LALD,

University of Minnesota

8:15 am: Pharmacology Updates in Geriatrics
                    Hannah VanTruong, PharmD, VA Medical Center

9:00 am: Table Discussions
                Jordan Risher, PharmD, BCACP BCGP, Mpls VA Medical Center 

9:45 am: Break

10:00 am: 

Clinical 1:    Anti-Amyloid Medications                  

                      Dongming Cai, MD, PhD, University of Minnesota

Leadership 1: RoundtableRx: Medication Repository

     Rachel Rockwell, PharmD, RPh, MPH,


10:45 am: Break

11:00 am:

Clinical 2:       THC/CBD/Cannabis

                             Rob Rodè, JD, Rodè & Coffin, LLC &
                             Emily Escue, MD, Hennepin Healthcare

Leadership 2: Changes in SNF and AL Regulations

                             Kari Everson, DNP, MSN, MHA, LNHA, LALD,

LeadingAge Minnesota

11:45 am: Lunch

12:45 pm:

Clinical 3:       Pharmacogenetics

       Cami Peterson-DeVries, DHA, St.

Frances Health Services

Leadership 3: Hospital at Home

                           Tia Radant, Health Partners

                             Janelle Shearer, Stratis Health

                            Chrisanne TimpeDupuis, HealthPartners

                            Katie Westman, DNP, CNS, Allina

1:45 pm: Break

2:00 pm:

Clinical 4: Opioid Use Disorder

                      Brian Grahan, MD, PhD, FACP, FASAM, Hennepin Healthcare

Clinical 4b: Drug Therapy for Older People with BPH

                              Huai Cheng, MD, VA Medical Center

2:45 pm: Break

3:00 pm: Unique Challenges and Opportunities in Rural Pharmacy
                    Tim Stratten, University of Minnesota, Duluth

3:45 pm: Table Discussions

4:15 pm: Final Comments

                  Simon Mittal, MD, CMD, MMM, MAGIC  President

4:30 pm: Adjournment


Heidi Holste, Executive Director

PO BOX 367

Rosemount, MN  55068



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